Blue Tara Quartz Mineral Testing
“Blue Tara Quartz” is a metaphysical trade name for little quartz points with blue fibrous and prismatic type inclusions from Ipupiara, Brazil. Everywhere I turned online to tell me more about this stone read the same: “Riebekite and Olenite included quartz” with a list of metaphysical properties to follow based off those inclusions. Nowhere could I find any mineralogical information about this stone so once again, off to the lab! Here’s a few of the myths I was hoping to get a confirmed fact or fiction result on:
“The blue coloring comes from a mineral inclusions of Riebeckite and Olenite.”
From a seller on February 2019:
“…new find of quartz that has olenite and riebekite tourmaline which makes the crystal blue”
Here’s what the laboratory found:
- Magnesium and Lithium are present in the inclusions. Olenite must be free from these two elements, therefore the inclusions are not Olenite.
- Riebekite was not present in the samples we sent to laboratory; the fibrous inclusions were in fact also in the tourmaline family along with the structured prismatic inclusions.
- The presence of magnesium, lithium, and the low aluminum content concluded that the inclusions are between the schorl-elbaite series and the schorl-dravite series both in the tourmaline group.